A Winning Lottery Number Selection Strategy

The problem with selecting lottery numbers is the fact that any regulated lottery result is by definition random,A Winning Lottery Number Selection Strategy Articles and so any 6 number selections are as likely as any other, no matter what numbers came out last week or the week before. So how can we talk about a ‘Winning Lotto Strategy’? Simple – you need to pay attention to the numbers you DON’T choose!

This strange piece of advice is actually entirely logical, because with a bit of straightforward planning, you can ensure that should any of your numbers actually come up, you have minimized the chance that you will have to share the prize with other people. In other words, avoid ‘obvious’ lottery selections, unless you want to share the prize! By the way, can you guess what the most common lotto entry is? Yep, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Hard to believe, isn’t it?! While these numbers are as likely as any other 6 to come up, if they did, the payout per ticket would be tiny, because so many people would be trying to claim a slice of the pie!

So here are some tips to help you make sure that your selections are unique to your ticket, and thus any prize you win will be shared with less people.

* More than 2 consecutive numbers is Dnabet a no no. For example, choosing 1,2,3 or 47,48,49 will mean you are ‘in play’ with THOUSANDS of other lottery hopefuls.

* It is unwise to choose numbers at fixed intervals, especially when that interval is the same as on the entry slip (e.g. 1, 6, 11 etc). This is because people have a tendency to ‘run down the lotto slip’ if they are in a hurry.

* Many people use birthdays, so choose at least one number above 31. This will differentiate your lottery ticket from theirs.

* Same goes for dates – never enter more than 2 numbers less than or equal to 12.

* Don’t choose any of last week’s lotto draw numbers. You’d be surprised how many punters try this!

* Never copy anyone else’s numbers – that would mean sharing any prize with at least 1 other person!

* Keep an eye on the most common and least common numbers over time – many people play these, because they do not understand that the lottery really is random. If you play them too, you will end up sharing any prize you win.